Personal, Health & Social Education
Always remember you matter, you're important and you are loved, and you bring to this world things no-one else can
Charlie Mackesy (author of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse)
At Stapeley Broad Lane we aspire to teach pupils to live their lives well. PHSE in school develops the knowledge, understanding and skills young people need to manage their lives, now and in the future. We have researched a number of PHSE Schemes of Work and have based our teaching in this area on the plans contained within the Dimensions Curriculum. We supplement the main scheme with additional units on Extremism and Radicalisation (KS1 and 2), Substance Related Abuse (KS2) and Relationships and Sex Education (KS2).
Within this framework, pupils visit, investigate and learn about separate units, based upon the following areas through three underlying core themes, within which there is broad overlap and flexibility:-
1. Health and Wellbeing |
2. Relationships |
3. Living in the Wider World |
Healthy Lifestyles Nutrition and Food Aspirations First Aid |
Communication Collaboration Similarities and Differences |
Rules and Responsibilities Diversity |