Curriculum Enrichment

Wider Curriculum Enrichment & Cultural Capital

Our school curriculum goes beyond the National Curriculum to provide a range of enriching experiences and opportunities during and after the school day. We offer after-school clubs that not only support the core curriculum but also develop specialist skills such as French, music, and cultural capital, ultimately extending children's experiences. Our main focus is to raise aspirations, foster a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning.

We are proud to provide an inclusive environment where students enjoy their education and make significant progress across the curriculum. All students are supported to achieve their potential, regardless of their level. Those who excel are challenged and supported with tasks that offer opportunities for greater depth, while those who struggle receive targeted support to develop skills at their own pace or learn in a style that suits their individual needs.

In addition to our exciting and stimulating cross-curricular themes, we also provide further opportunities to enhance children's learning wherever possible. These include:

- Whole School Theme Days/Weeks: We incorporate themed days and weeks throughout the year to provide a wider range of experiences for our pupils. These include events such as Online Safety Day, World Book Day, Curriculum Enrichment Days, Sports Week, and fundraising opportunities for various charities.

- Educational Visits and Residentials: School trips and visits are a crucial part of the children's education. We place high value on these opportunities as they provide first-hand experiences that bring learning to life. Our students can enjoy class visits, extra-curricular activities such as school choir or sports events, and attending or participating in performances and competitions. Specifically, children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can take part in residential visits. Each visit provides a different learning experience that adds to the enrichment of the one before.

- Visitors to School: Visitors play a significant role in the school's life and work. They contribute to various aspects of the school, including delivering talks, workshops, and full-day activities on a wide range of subjects. This provides pupils with access to outside experiences and expertise. In addition, visitors help establish a connection between the school and the wider community.

- After-school Clubs: We offer pupils opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities after school. At any time, a wide range of clubs is on offer – our programmes of clubs and activities available are revised termly depending on the time of year and other commitments children may have.

- Music, Art & Drama: We provide opportunities for children to take part in a wide range of musical activities and performances where they are encouraged to sing, compose and work creatively with sound. Through active listening, pupils' awareness, understanding and appreciation of a wide variety of music are developed. We also offer drama activities, which have a positive impact on children's physical, emotional, social and cognitive development. Visits to the theatre further enrich pupils' cultural development.

- Opportunities to Volunteer: We promote and encourage pupils' active citizenship and positive contribution to the school and wider community. We offer lots of opportunities for pupils to take on new responsibilities and be involved in successfully supporting the life and work of the school. These include elected representatives on our School Council, Worship Council, Eco-Council, E-Safety Team and Friendship Team. Older pupils can also apply for positions such as Playground Leader and within classes, children can volunteer to take on various responsibilities ranging from lunch duties to helping with the organisation of equipment in assemblies.

Overall, pupils tell us that they enjoy the opportunity to volunteer to help make their school a better place.

- Assemblies: A daily programme of assemblies helps to promote the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of students. It also provides clear guidance on what is right and wrong. Once a week, assemblies are led by either a member of the local clergy or the Headteacher. At least once a term, children participate in the celebration of a Christian event. On Fridays, a Celebration Assembly is held to recognize and award certificates to students who demonstrate the school's values.

- Homework: Homework can significantly contribute to a child's academic progress. It not only reinforces learning in the classroom but also helps children develop the skills and attitudes required for successful independent lifelong learning.

Homework is set in line with the school's policy, with tasks planned to challenge all students appropriately. Weekly activities focus on literacy and numeracy to consolidate and reinforce the skills taught in class.






Let's connect

Stapeley Broad Lane
C of E Primary School

Broad Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7QL

Headteacher | Jen Holden