Year 2 2024 - 2025

Class Teacher - Mr Beeston

Teaching Assistant - Miss Lomas



General information

Mr Beeston is the full time teacher and will teach every day except when Mrs Herbert-Jackson will teach on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon to allow Mr Beeston to have Planning and SENDCo Coordinator time. Every other Friday morning, Miss Lomas will teach the class to allow Mr Beeston further SENDCo coordinator time. 

PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. PE Kits should come to school in named PE bags and stay here until half-term.

Homework - More detials to follow regarding this.

Year 2 Favourite reads book will come home with one child per week on a Thursday and should be brought back the following Tuesday to be shared with the class.


Autumn Term

Our United Kingdom.

Map Of The UK

This term our focus is Our United Kingdom

We will start the term by learning about the UK, its four countries and the capital cities. Later in the term we will learn about the London, and focus on the Great Fire of London, ready to compare it with the Great Fire of Nantwich in the Spring term.

Make sure you check the 'What we've been up to' page of the website to see photos of our learning.

A Long Term Plan of the year is in the files section below.

Spring Term

Fire, Fire!

fire.jpeg   queen E1 writing.png

We are very excited to start our new learning ‘FIRE, FIRE!’ This term, we are comparing The Great Fire of London with The Great Fire of Nantwich and we will also make our own fire engines! 

We will be visiting the Nantwich museum and looking around the town to find clues from the Tudor times.

A Long Term Plan of the year is in the files section below.


Summer Term

Our Wonderful World!

What a busy term we have planned! This term we will be learning about the continents, famous explorers, Materials and Humans amongst many other wonderful things our wold has to offer. 


We will take a trip out to Delamere Forest to explore habitats to consolidate our learning from the Autumn Term. 

A Long Term Plan of the year is in the files section below.






Files to Download

Let's connect

Stapeley Broad Lane
C of E Primary School

Broad Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7QL

Headteacher | Jen Holden