Year 5 2023 - 2024

Class Teacher - Miss Livesey

Mrs Wright - Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings. 

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Wright / Mrs Herbert-Jackson

Welcome to Class 5!

Summer Term: 


Children of the Benin Kingdom by Dinah Orji – Non-chronological report

Anne Frank by Josephine Poole – Diary entry

High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson – Extended narrative

Saviour Pirotta and Catherine Hyde – Fairy-tale narrative

Maths – Statistics, shape, position and direction, decimals, negative numbers, converting units and volume.

Science -  Reproduction in plants and animals, marvellous mixtures and materials.

Geography – Throughout this term, we will finish learning about North America and begin learning about the water cycle and rivers. This will link to our residential trip to North Wales, where we will complete a river study.

Art – Set design

D and T – Electrical systems.

PE -  Cricket and athletics in summer 1. Playground leadership and rounders in summer 2.  

PSHE -  Nutrition and food, healthy relationships, collaboration and safety.

Spanish- Greetings, celebrations and colours.  

RE -  Hinduism – How do Hindus describe God? How important is God in Hindu family life?  

Computing – Physical computing 

Music – Blue-bin drumming on a Tuesday morning.

General information:

Homework will be given out on a Friday and is expected to be returned to school on a Wednesday. Children will also be given a spelling rule at the beginning of each week which we will partially review in school, but these also need to be practised at home -  as we will do a weekly test on a Friday. 

Reading will continue in school with a focus on comprehension. Children should continue to read at home choosing a variety of different text types. They will be allowed to take books home from our class Library, please help ensure these books are returned to school.  

TT Rockstars continues to be a great way to get children to engage and excell at their times tables, please encourage their use of this platform at home, when possible! 

Art & RE Lessons - Thursday afternoons with Mrs Wright

French Lessons - Tuesday and Thursday mornings with Madame Potts.

Drumming Lessons - Tuesday mornings with Love Music Trust.

Science - Friday mornings with Mrs Wright

PE - Mondays and Fridays 

More information on trips and residentials will follow. 

I look forward to teaching your child and hope we have a brilliant year in Class 5!

Miss Livesey





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Stapeley Broad Lane
C of E Primary School

Broad Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7QL

Headteacher | Jen Holden