Year 1 2023 - 2024

Class Teacher - Mrs Ward

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Balden and Mrs Kenny


Spring Term 2024


What we will be learning: 


Maths: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, length and height, mass and volume.


English: Narrative - Stories by our class author 'Mini Grey'. Non-Fiction - Instructions, information books. Poetry - nonesense poems.


Science: Looking at animals, Everyday materials (continued), Seasons.


History: Significant Historical events in Stapeley.


Geography: The Local Area.


RE: How do peopole decide what is right and wrong? Why do people mark Easter in different ways?


PSHE: Hygiene, Healthy lifestyles, Fairness, Bullying, Keeping safe.


Art: Simple print making.


D&T: Structures - (Free standing structures).


Music: 'Get on board', 'Changes' (Love music trust).


Computing: Moving a robot, Grouping data.


MFL: French - Colours, Numbers and Shapes.


PE: Netball and Dance, Hockey and Gymnastics.


PE days are Monday and Friday.

Reading books.

Individual reading books will be changed twice a week, the children are responsible for changing their own reading book during the book change session, (days may vary). Can I ask that individual books sent home are read at least 3 times before books are changed. This encourages fluency and pace which is an integral part of the reading process, also please ask your child questions about what they have read. When your child is ready to change their book please remind them to do so during the next book change session. 



Chester Zoo  - Tuesday 26th March 2024

Class assembly

Tuesday 5th March 9.30am - Mother's Day Assembly (Year1 parents invited).


Phonics and tricky words overview Spring 1

Phonics and tricky words overview Spring 2



Reading - please record in your child's planner when you have read with your child.


Indivdiual homework will be linked to weekly phonics taught in class and will be sent weekly. Homework will be sent home on a Friday, to be returned the following Wednesday. 



Mrs Ward.





Files to Download

Let's connect

Stapeley Broad Lane
C of E Primary School

Broad Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7QL

Headteacher | Jen Holden